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Reading Schedules

Reading Schedules

Schedule information is displayed according to the selection made:

  • All stops - displays every stop in the direction selected for that route
  • Select stops - displays ONLY those stops that have been selected.

Viewing the complete schedule may require scrolling up/down and left/right. Because of this, your Stop and Trip information can become lost in the viewable region of your browser. Mouse-over the times for a 'tool-tip' providing the Bus Stop location and the Trip destination shown on the front of the Bus.

Preview a print for each schedule using the "Print Options" utility. Your schedule will automatically adjust itself to fit within your selected page width (Letter or Landscape), and adjust to the number of required pages.

Printing schedules is only available when displaying "Timing points only" or "Select stops". If your browser is displaying "All stops", the schedule you print will adjust to "Timing points only".